Are you a marketer, in search of a blog that answers all your questions about “Landing Pages”? Well, in this article we have described almost every step in detail to tell you how you must approach landing page development for successful Search Engine Marketing(SEM)?

From What is a landing page→ What is the landing page checklist & how to develop one online? 

You’ll find everything in this blog….

So without further ado, let’s jump right in!

What really is a Landing Page? And does my website have a good one?

A landing page for a website is like a runaway for a plane, it is where everything starts! Except that planes can land on different runaways but the website only has one landing–that is the landing page. 

This definition in itself tells us how important a landing page is!

Unlike runaways, landing pages have visitors from all across the world, all landing on the same runaway. One of the main aspects of a good website, hence is the How well the Landing Page is optimized for the customers/visitors/viewers?

An effective landing page converts:

  1. Traffic into Potential leads
  2. and Potential leads into Customers

It’s a conversion place, where leads are brought and converted eventually.

You must keep this in mind, that the redirection of visitors to homepage is not as effective as redirecting to a landing page that is especially designed to maximize sales with a better approach and a visual that’s especially curated for them.

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Are marketers using Landing pages differently?

Yes. Marketers know the importance of a landing page, they know how necessary it is to increase every SEO metric that will lead to improved sales. All marketing campaigns will be exponentially beneficial and useful if the landing page is strategized and search engine optimized(SEO).

Here’s what marketers use Landing Page for:

  • Building awareness about the brand’s service
  • Increase the conversion rates
  • Assess the behavior of visitors on landing pages and build better website with the help of it
  • Improve SEO rank overall
  • Drive better sales

business people using internet

Types of Landing Pages:

A landing page has a reason for being there, it is the most important webpage on your entire website. If your website has a clear sales driven website then you will have better conversion with data that will provide you insights about how to grow the conversions further.

There are three types of Landing Pages, all with different sets of specific functions. So before you develop a marketing strategy, make sure you know the type of approach and landing page you have chosen, meets your needs.

  • Microsites

Microsites never contribute to sales. They are independent pages that are either developed for a single campaign or event. Unlike landing pages, microsites do not contribute to sales but are just created to fulfill a momentary marketing purpose.

Always used for informing the customers about a new product or offer, microsites together make small contributions that combine to build the complete website. Microsites are not part of the website. For instance, a page specially created for a product campaign to promote a show to lead to sales, is nothing but a promoting campaign that obtains results from microsites.

  • Lead generation 

Lead generation pages are created with the ultimate purpose of converting leads into customers, but they don’t use the same approach as the microsites or other pages, instead lead generation pages give visitors the most important thing: A solution to their problem!

Why do we search on “GOOGLE”? It’s to find answers to our queries, doubts, to feed our curiosity or to simply check whether the product you are willing to buy is worth it.

Lead generation pages give solutions to their future leads, and attempt to answer their questions in the best ways possible. These solutions can be provided to the customers in the form of a pop up, a blog/numerous blog articles or simply a sentence to ask them to select a free trial. The goal of a lead generation–type of landing page is to initiate interest in the minds of the visitors to provide them contact information. 

  • Click-through

A Click-through page is the most used landing page used by marketers and businesses

Only one thing matters on this type of landing page: A click on a link!

Yes. Clicking on any link that directs the user to another page on the same website—is what click-through pages are created to accomplish.

It’s their ultimate purpose to generate as many clicks as possible. The approach to generate leads is simple→ Create content that encourages the visitor to navigate to other pages.

  • Viral

As the name suggests, viral pages are meant to go viral. The main tactic used to go viral is word-of-mouth marketing, which simply means customers or users sharing their experiences with your service in their daily dialogues–both online & offline!

The main purpose of a viral landing page is not just to bring more new leads and customers to the website, but also to increase the reach by sharing online with friends, families and through social media. The customer or visitor is rewarded in different ways so that they share the service or help in fulfilling the campaign objective.

A MARKETER’s “Marketing Arsenal” is incomplete without a Landing Page Checklist, so let’s move on to our next section that describes all the necessary things that must be in a checklist.

Landing Page Checklist:

The Blink Test: In 3-5 seconds, a visitor needs to know what you are offering. This is why marketers recommend conducting a “blink test” before publishing content. After viewing your landing page for a few seconds, click away. You should go back and rework your content if you don’t know what your page offers.

A/B Testing: A/B testing helps you test the diverse versions of the landing pages and study their results to choose what’s best to reach your marketing objective. It helps you understand the interests of your customers and leads.

Keywords: To increase the traffic to your landing page with the help of SEO, keywords addition is the best tactic. Just ensure that you do not use ways that will harm the overall SEO, which might deoptimize it to a point of no return. Avoid keywords, stuffing and other similar activities.

Profits: In order to get what you want, you need to give what you want! Let your visitor get value from your landing page that is distinct from other competitor landing pages and also in line with your brand identity. Do not forget to flaunt your USP on the landing page.

Public proof: When the herd believes in your service, it will be easy for anyone outside the herd to trust your brand. This is what public proof means in marketing. Including testimonials in your landing page is the most popular and profitable application of social proof.

Clear content: An inclusion of multiple Call-To-Actions can lead to confusion and decluttering which will make the user or visitors uninterested due to unclear messages. This is why you should clearly tell the user what and where to navigate in order to fulfill their interest.

Now that you know what it takes to create and control a landing page, go for it. Make your landing page fresh & ready to bring sales! 

If you are in search of an agency that can help you build your landing page, then you can contact us. We will give your brand a revamp, incorporating all the best SEO strategies to grow your business online. 

If you found our blog helpful, do not forget to share it with your fellow marketers or aspirants. And let us know in the comments below if you need further information.

Soar high with the power of Digital Marketing! You next read: Importance of Digital Marketing For the Success of a Business